Writing Petals


This is one of my oldest and most favorite anime/manga series. I've adored it way, way before I discovered fanfiction and to this day on, it's still in my Top list of anime/manga to recommend and watch.
The series is about a young elementary girl, Sakura, who accidentally scattered magic cards around the city. These magic cards can inflict mayhem and chaos if they're not back in their original seal again. She was tricked into becoming a Card Captor and that's where her adventures begin to unfold. 
A very cute shoujo series which I recommend to everyone. The pairings you might expect here are the slight Syaoran/Sakura and my favored Touya/Yukito (with Yue somewhere in between). 

- Multichapters

Poison (complete)
Summary: Touya finds companionship in a bartender after his sister got married.
Chapters: 8/8
Word count: ~ 30,685
Pairing: Touya/Yukito, mention Syaoran/Sakura | PG13 |
Genres: Romance, drama
Other: AU, mention alcohol but not too deep
Notes: One of my first series to be completed. The feel of this story is supposed to be sad and nostalgic and lonely. One day I might come back and rewrite this one since apparently I'd planned a sequel... 

Seraphim (incomplete)
Summary: n/a
Pairings: Syaoran/Sakura (CCS/TRC), YueTouyaYukito (CCS/TRC), TrowaQuatre (GW), various | R | 
Other: dark AU, crossover 
Genres: Romance, drama, dark fantasy
Notes: one of my first, older, darker crossover series. The idea was triggered by a dark, fantasy stickers I had collected back then and suddenly that world looked very fascinating to write. One day I might go back and rewrite the whole thing and publish it somewhere... 

- Oneshots/Drabbles 

Delivery service
Summary: Kinomoto Touya works part-time at a convenience store owned by a man called Kakei. One day he's supposed to do a delivery for the old man, Mr. Reed, from across the streets. The man apparently is 956 years old
Characters: Touya, Yue, Clow (CCS), Kazehaya, Rikuou, Kakei (GD), Fujimoto (Kobato.) |  PG |
Other: AU, crossover [part 1 of a series of related one-shots surrounding the convenience store] 
Notes: This was inspired by a neighbour of mine and somehow the plotbunny morphed itself into this story and demanded a longer series out of this little incident of helping a neighbour out. [will stay in this one shot section until further notice...]

Summary: Rain dancing.
Pairing/Character: mild Syaoran/Sakura [G]
Genre: Fluff
Other: songfic "Groovy"
Notes: one of my first CCS fanfiction is a vague idea of rain dancing and Kero-chan jumping around the world like in "Groovy" ending theme.

Her most important person 
Summary: Mirror loves Touya but knows she can't have him when he's with the other person she also loves.
Pairing/Character: Mirror- centric, Mirror/Touya, Yue/Touya | G |
Genres: Angst, general
Other: AU-ish?
Notes: I've wanted to try out the Clow Cards' personalities in a fic and Mirror is the one I'd like to hug the most. The idea of her discovering Touya and Yue was just stuck in my mind as I wrote the piece.

Of jealousies and lies
Summary: Ten years later, Chiharu is not jealous.
Pairing/Character: Chiharu-centric, mild Yamazaki/Chiharu | G |
Genres: General, fluff
Other: future fic, post-series
Notes: This is written for the 31_days livejournal challenge. I've always wanted to write these two...

Quick entrance
Summary: Touya meets Yukito for the first time by entering his bedroom.
Pairing/Character: Yukito-centric, mild Touya/Yukito | PG |
Genres: Fluff
Other: AU 
Notes: Just wanted to write a burglar entrance... 

Sweet as honey
Summary: Their first kiss didn't go as planned...
Pairing/Character: Fujitaka/Nadeshiko | G |
Genres: Fluff
Other: Clampkink fill, pre-series
Notes: the request was just asking to be filled and I really wanted to try out Fujitaka/Nadeshiko.

Their Daily Lives 
Summary: CCS behind the scenes where Touya and Yukito grow closer. 
Pairing/Character: Touya/Yukito(Yue) | PG | 
Genres: Romance, general, friendship
Other: behind the scenes of CCS
Notes: Written for the 30_smiles livejournal challenge in which smiling is a must.

Tick, Tock  
Summary: Yukito helps out with soccer practice again. 
Pairing/Character: Touya, Yukito, Nakuru | G |
Genres: Fluff/general
Other: takes place within the series before Touya gave up his powers.

Notes: I just wanted to write a cute fic. 

Walking down the aisle 
Summary: Touya watches as Sakura gets married to Syaoran.
Pairing/Character: Touya/Yukito, Syaoran/Sakura, Fujitaka, Tomoyo etcetera | G |
Genres: General/family
Other: post-series
Notes: some day Touya will witness the day he has to see his sister marry off to the 'brat'.  

When one discovers Clampkink's existence [Take 5]
Summary: One of the Clamp characters discovered the Clampkink
Pairing/Character: Kero-chan, Suppi, mention Touya/Yue | PG|
Genres: Crack, general
Other: Clampkink fill
Notes: the idea of Kero-chan reading fanfiction about Yue and Touya is just too funny...

Wrong Turn 
Summary: The first time Yukito rode Touya's bike...
Pairing: Touya/Yukito, Yue |  PG |
Genres: general, fluff
Other: Clampkink fill
Notes: I love Touya's motorbike... I'm sure Yukito does as well.

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